Currently, I am a researcher at Royal Holloway, University of London as part of the Information Security group. I am part of the 2023 cohort in the ESPRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security for the Everyday, with more details generally about the CDT here and my personal profile here.
Past Education
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering 2017-20 (2.1); MSc Advanced Computing 2020-21 (Distinction)
Between 2017-20, I studied Electronic Engineering BSc at King's College London. In that time, I took a comprehensive set of modules, covering topics such as circuit design, concurrent systems and propositional logic.
For my final year project, I explored the development and applications of boost converters, where I built a controllable boost converter which could handle varying inputs. The report can be found below.
Between 2020 and 2021, I studied Advanced Computing MSc at King's College London. In that time, I took several modules covering areas like cybersecurity, testing and software development.
For my final year project, I conducted an analysis of various string metrics on detecting hateful
speech within online political fora. This report can be found at the bottom of this page.
I studied at Bacon's College in south east London between 2011 and 2017, where I took several GCSE exams early and completed my A Levels at the end of Year 12. This meant as well as being the first in my family to study at university, I was able to begin my study a year early!
Prior education
This included taking GCSEs in mathematics and astronomy at 13, achieving A* and A respectively. In total, I achieved 14 GCSEs, a FSMQ, and 3 A Levels (in Mathematics, Physics and Computing).
Also at Bacon's College, I was an organ scholar and additionally was a member of several clubs and societies - representing the college at events in mathematics and science.